
Showing posts from June, 2018

What are the easy steps to send email in future with Mozilla Thunderbird?

Now it is very much possible to send emails in future and this process is quite interesting and helpful at the same time. It is now possible with Mozilla Thunderbird as well, so all the users of Thunderbird who want to draft emails and send them later at a specific time can do it now by following few simple steps. Technology has gone really far and everything is possible these days, hoping for elephants to fly one day. We, Mozilla Thunderbird technical support team will help you with the steps of sending emails later, so gear up and read all the steps carefully. Steps to send an email at a specific time in future with Mozilla Thunderbird: You will have to download ‘Send Later 3’ or Thunderbird 3.1 version of extension. Download it from Thunderbird extension manager and save it in your hard disk. To install this version, you will have to choose the link of installing and right click on it. Choose ‘Save Link As’ or ‘Save Target as’ and then choose a file path in your h...